ITRON Newsletter No.20 (HTML Edition)

ITRON Technical Committee, TRON Association
Katsuta Building 5F, 3-39, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, JAPAN
TEL: (03) 3454-3191
FAX: (03) 3454-3224

Invitation to the ITRON Open Seminar

The ITRON Open Seminar will take place again this year, on Monday July 15, at Kurian, the Shinagawa Community Center in Tokyo (The hall is located one minute from the south exit of Oimachi Station on the JR Keihin Tohoku Line). The seminar is held annually to introduce recent developments relating to the ITRON specifications, update the status of ITRON implementations, and describe enhancements to the ITRON development environment. This year is the sixth time the event is being held. The theme of this year's seminar is, "Looking ahead to the next step." The idea is to center presentations around the shift in focus from kernel standardization toward the increased efforts to standardize the ITRON system environment.

Date: July 15 (Monday), 10:00 - 17:30
Place: Shinagawa Community Center "Kurian"
Capacity: 90 persons
Admission fee: (includes tax)
TRON Association members: 2,000 yen
General public: 5,000 yen
Students: 2,000 yen
Program (tentative):
10:00 - 10:20 Latest on the ITRON subproject
Kiichiro Tamaru (Toshiba)
10:20 - 12:00 System development using µITRON: Micromouse case study
Yasuhiro Kobayashi (Fujitsu), Shiro Kojima (Fujitsu Device)
13:00 - 14:30 Panel session: Approaches to middleware standardization
15:00 - 16:30 ITRON application case studies, development environment, and research trends
  • Real-time OS specifications for vehicle control use
    Koji Sato (Toyota Motor)
  • ITRON support of MULTI
    Hiroshi Fukutomi (Advanced Data Controls)
  • TCP/IP module and Web browser AVE-Front on ITRON
    Tomihisa Kamada (Access)
  • Realizing priority inheritance in a real-time OS for C++
    Osamu Higashihara (NEC Microcomputer Technology)
16:30 - 17:30 Special Speech
Ken Sakamura (University of Tokyo)
The morning session on "System development using µITRON" is being presented especially for newcomers to ITRON. Using the example of a micromouse development project, the presenters will explain in readily understood terms the way systems can be developed around a µITRON-specification OS. After the panel session on middleware standardization, a hot topic these days, various presenters will introduce some recent ITRON application cases, trends in software development environments, and ITRON-related research trends. An address by Ken Sakamura will close the seminar as always, then the participants will get a chance to mingle at a reception party from around 18:00.

Persons interested in attending may make application either by visiting the ITRON home page or by contacting the ITRON Open Seminar secretariat at the TRON Association (TEL: (03) 3454-3191, FAX: (03) 3454-3224).

We look forward to a large turnout again this year.

Changes to Registration System for ITRON-related Products

The ITRON Technical Committee has provided a registration system for products implementing or supporting the ITRON specifications since 1991, with the aim of promoting wider use of the specifications. Recently some changes were instituted in the system. The main changes are outlined below.

It should be noted that this system differs from so-called validation systems in that the registered products are not certified to be in conformance with the ITRON specifications.

The new system will go into effect from October 1, 1996. Those wishing to apply for registration under the new system may obtain the necessary documents from the ITRON Technical Committee by contacting the TRON Association.

ITRON-related Product Registration Update

The products listed below were newly registered in the period through April 1, 1996. The list of previously registered products is here.

Newly Registered Products (Feb. 1, 1996 - Apr. 1, 1996)
Specification  Product Name  Processor  Company
µITRON3.0 MR30 M16C/60 Series Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor Software Corp.

ITRON-related Publications

Listed below are the publications prepared and issued by the ITRON Technical Committee as of April 1, 1996. The ITRON-µITRON Standard Handbook is a one-volume compilation of µITRON (Ver 2.0) and ITRON2 specifications. Each of the publications below can be obtained directly from the sources indicated.

The latest version of µITRON3.0 is Ver 3.02.00. Changes made since the µITRON3.0 Standard Handbook was released (Ver 3.00.00) are noted in Newsletter No.5 and No.11, as well as in ITRON Standard Guidebook 2.

The ITRON Standard Guidebook 2 deals primarily with µITRON3.0. The earlier ITRON Standard Guidebook '92-'93 remains as a valuable reference for use with the µITRON (Ver 2.0) and ITRON2 specifications, even though the dates in its title are now past.

ITRON-related Publications
Name Type Price Publisher Issued ISBN No.
ITRON-µITRON Standard Handbook Specification (Jap.) 4,800Yen Personal Media Co. 1990 ISBN4-89362-079-7
µITRON3.0 Standard Handbook Specification (Jap.) 4,000Yen Personal Media Co. 1993 ISBN4-89362-106-8
ITRON/FILE Standard Handbook Specification (Jap.) 3,000Yen Personal Media Co. 1992 ISBN4-89362-092-4
ITRON Standard Guidebook '92-'93 Textbook (Jap.) 3,500Yen Personal Media Co. 1992 ISBN4-89362-197-6
ITRON Standard Guidebook 2 Textbook (Jap.) 3,500Yen Personal Media Co. 1994 ISBN4-89362-133-5
µITRON Specification Ver Specification (Eng.) 12,000Yen TRON Association 1989 -
ITRON2 Specification Ver Specification (Eng.) 15,000Yen TRON Association 1990 -
µITRON3.0 Specification Ver 3.02.00 Specification (Eng.) - TRON Association 1994 -
- Prices do not include consumption tax.
- The documents issued by the TRON Association are available to Association members at a special discount rate.
- English-language specifications are distributed free of charge from here.

New Products

The product introduced below has been newly registered under the ITRON-related product registration system.

Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor Software Corp.

Product summary

MR30 is a real-time operating system conforming to the µITRON specification, implemented for Mitsubishi's M16C/60 16-bit microcomputer series.


The MR30 offers the following features.


The main MR30 functions are as follows.

Main specifications

The main specifications of the MR30 real-time OS are given below.

Item Specification
Target microprocessor M16C/60 Series
Maximum tasks 255
Task priorities 255
Maximum eventflags 255
Eventflag size 16 bits
Maximum semaphores 255
Semaphore format Counting type
Maximum mailboxes 255
Message size 16 bits
Message number 1 to 3,570 (total for all mailboxes)
System calls 42
Kernel size Approx. 1.0KB to 3.9KB
Maximum interrupt masking time 2 µs (OS independent interrupts)
Task switching time 25 µs
* Test conditions: 16-bit bus width, 10 MHz external clock frequency, no-wait memory.

Recent Works on ITRON

The 1996 workshop on real-time processing RTP'96 was held at Hiroshima University on March 21 and 22. A presentation dealing with ITRON was given by Motoyuki Suzuki of the Musashi Institute of Technology on "Development of ITRON simulator MITOS." The OS simulator introduced in the presentation provides a graphical display of task transitions, I/O and other program behavior, enabling them to be observed visually. Another ITRON-related presentation was given by Hiroaki Takada of the University of Tokyo on "Scalable implementations of multiprocessor real-time kernels." This paper discussed the use of the µITRON specification as a base real-time kernel specification that is extended for multiprocessor support. In a presentation by Toshiyuki Maeda of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. on a "Real-Time system description language for audio visual communication," a language simulation environment using ITRON was described.

Workshops on real-time processing are held each year in the form of a computer system study group by the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), and the papers submitted for the conference are published as the Technical Reports of the IEICE.

! This newsletter is a special edition for WWW of the one appeared in TRONWARE vol.39 and TRON PROJECT JOURNAL No.44.

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